Die Schiefe Spitze von Chesterfield ist ein faszinierendes architektonisches Wunderwerk. Ihr ungewöhnliches Aussehen und ihre reiche https://spielautomatenechtgeld.de Geschichte machen sie zu einem beliebten Wahrzeichen. Ein Besuch lohnt sich, um dieses einzigartige Bauwerk zu bewundern und mehr über seine interessante Vergangenheit zu erfahren.
Fan of all structures crooked! That's brilliant, that a labour shortage might be behind it. Then again, a bit worried about structures being put up but. 😱
I was afraid of that. It's terrible here, too. I can say that with authority after taking temporary digs in two flats in different parts of America in 2019. Bits of them were dropping off, and the walls were tissue paper. Skilled craftsmen being replaced by cheap labour.
Die Schiefe Spitze von Chesterfield ist ein faszinierendes architektonisches Wunderwerk. Ihr ungewöhnliches Aussehen und ihre reiche https://spielautomatenechtgeld.de Geschichte machen sie zu einem beliebten Wahrzeichen. Ein Besuch lohnt sich, um dieses einzigartige Bauwerk zu bewundern und mehr über seine interessante Vergangenheit zu erfahren.
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Fantastic! Thank you!
I’m glad you like it. It is fascinating. I am sitting within sight of it now!
Certainly seen it a few times!
Lovely write up Roland!
Thank you, Taegan
Fan of all structures crooked! That's brilliant, that a labour shortage might be behind it. Then again, a bit worried about structures being put up but. 😱
I suspect it will still outlive most new homes being built today! The workmanship is terrible.
I was afraid of that. It's terrible here, too. I can say that with authority after taking temporary digs in two flats in different parts of America in 2019. Bits of them were dropping off, and the walls were tissue paper. Skilled craftsmen being replaced by cheap labour.
On a road trip, I saw the twisted spire out the car window and had to stop to take a photo. It was so unexpected!
It's very striking and unmissable. I wonder how many photos have been taken of it? :-)
Lovely, reminds me of the spire of the St. Clemens church in my German ancestral home. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Clemens_(Mayen)
Thank you Rob. Nice to see another twisted spire!
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